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Musik dan Spirit

Musik adalah bunyi yang diterima oleh individu dan berbeda-beda berdasarkan sejarah, lokasi, budaya dan selera seseorang. Definisi sejati tentang musik juga bermacam-macam:

  1. Bunyi/kesan terhadap sesuatu yang ditangkap oleh indera pendengar
  2. Suatu karya seni dengan segenap unsur pokok dan pendukungnya.
  3. Segala bunyi yang dihasilkan secara sengaja oleh seseorang atau kumpulan dan disajikan sebagai musik

Beberapa orang menganggap musik tidak berwujud sama sekali. Musik menurut Aristoteles mempunyai kemampuan mendamaikan hati yang gundah, mempunyai terapi rekreatif dan menumbuhkan jiwa patriotisme. (sumber wikipedia)

Memang jenis musik berbeda – beda, ada yang memberi motivasi, semangat, menghibur, lucu tapi ada pula yang destruktif, acak – acakan, menimbulkan sifat – sifat kekerasan. Bagi saya sendiri musik adalah suatu yang menghibur, kadang malah dapat meningkatkan motivasi tapi kadang – kadang juga membuat melow (kalo yang terakhir sepertinya tidak terlalu baik).

Terkadang – kadang dalam suatu lagu terkandung motivasi didalamnya sebagai contoh :

I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know, right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be

Unwell Matchbox 20 :
All day
Staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night
Hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on
I’m feeling like I’m headed for a
I don’t know why
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know, right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
I know
I know they’ve all been talking ’bout me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong
With me
Out of all the hours thinking
I’ve lost my mind
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be
I been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they’ll come to get me
Yeah, they’re taking me away
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not crazy I’m just a little impaired
I know, right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Hey, how I used to be
How I used to be, yeah
Well I’m just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be

I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be

White Flag [Dido] :
“White Flag”

I know you think that I shouldn’t still love you,
Or tell you that.
But if I didn’t say it, well I’d still have felt it
where’s the sense in that?

I promise I’m not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were

I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be

I know I left too much mess and
destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can’t talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of “it’s over”
then I’m sure that that makes sense

I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be

And when we meet
Which I’m sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still
I’ll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I’ve moved on….

I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I’m in love and always will be

Dan saya kira masih banyak lagi. I Love Music.

0 thoughts on “Musik dan Spirit

  1. @mbak cebong: script artikel populernya saya ambil dari blognya mas anang, cuman aku tambah bingkai dan pemberian icon pada list (terinspirasi/mbacem) dari blognya mas anangku, bukan anangmu atau anang2 mereka.

  2. sampai dengan saat ini aku selalu suka akan musik terutama dandut…huehehehehe….apalagi buat jalan-jalan(blogwalking) mantabbbb, salam kenal

  3. lebih suka musik yang bikin semangat kayak punyanya DT…

    Oh when everything is wrong
    Oh when hopelessness surrounds you
    Oh the sun will rise again
    The tide you swim against will carry you back home
    So don't give up
    Don't give in

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