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Launch on Mang Engking

today, employees of PT. Waskita Karya in Universitas Indonesia Library Building Project , have lunch in mang engking on the Universitas Indonesia Area. This moment dedicated to Mr. Rudianto, the project manager of Universitas Indonesia Library building Project. Today is mr. rudi’s birthday.

Mr. Rudi’s Birthday

Enjoy Before Launch

After break time, at 12.00 PM. We together go to mang engking. The Food was ready when we come. All employees look happy. There are much food on the table. After birthday ceremony, not wait for long time, we eat food that present in front of our face.



shrimp in the prime menu in this launch. Shrimp with several flavor. According my opinion, too much shrimp is not good for healthy, but i thing, i don’t eat shrimp every day, so it does not the matters. Look at the picture below.

Smile after enjoy the foods

Mang Engking

Condition in mang engkin is very cool and beauty. You can see the fish in the pond. Several People enjoy it time here.

0 thoughts on “Launch on Mang Engking

  1. @bocahbancar :
    yang lebih mengasikkan itu kebersamaannya
    @hmcahyo :
    ya pak, sampe ndak muat perut ini
    salam ganteng juga
    @pak sawali :
    saya juga kurang tahu sejarahnya pak.
    @ravi :
    kalau kebanyakan juga eneg juga
    Ngeces bu, kaya baterai hp aja.wkwkwk…

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