
Start Small, Break larger tasks into small steps, set achievable goals

Office sweet office

Hallo guys. In this post and the other post will come, i try post it in english. Because the author (that is me) have desire to learn english with this blog. So, you don’t wondered if you know that my posting contain a lot of bad sentence.

The work spirit influenced by atmosphere at the office. Good atmosphere will produce good spirit work too. It will increase the productivity. Now take a look at picture below. It is portrait of my office. I am an “adkon” staff. I work ing at “adkon” room. I am work on building project division of PT. Waskita Karya . Now , i am in Universitas Indonesia Depok, to establish the new tremendous library of Universitas Indonesia. I was posted it at here.


Insert my room

Working in happy condition, make some productivity increase then commonly. Now, what is the problem ? the problem is how to make the work happily! Actually, there are many way to make our working atmosphere confortable.


My Leppy in the corner

Indeed, we need more energy to get ideal condition to work. But little joke can make all smile. Smile is something inexpensive, but not all people want to smile. I was posted my post about how to make world smile to us. Give respect to other persons in your office is best way to make good relation. We must give respect to all of people around us. Don’t ever discriminate someone based on status, position,riches, and other. In truth, we are same, but only different in responsibility to do something. We can’t live alone.
Now I want back to “adkon” mean. Adkon have function to manage administration and contract. I have job to make contract and several jobs. In Project Universitas Indonesia Library, adkon consist 3 person, one the other is me.


contract documents

My office arrange simple, Enough of sun shine, not too much moist, although its very – very simple. There are tree tables in 3m x 3m room. Simple but i enjoy it.

0 thoughts on “Office sweet office

  1. (maaf) izin mengamankan PERTAMA dulu. Boleh kan?!
    Sukses aja dengan postingan2nya yang dalam bahasa inggris. Meskipun membuat kepala saya rada punyeng juga. Maklum, kalau diibaratkan belajar, kelas saya jauh berada di bawah kelasmu. Wakakakakak
    Karena itu juga terpaksa komennya pake bahasa indonesia. Bayangin mbaca aja sulit apalagi nulis.

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