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Colors Combination For My Home

In this post, I want to share information about architectural design. This is a subjective discussion. Everyone has different testes. I will share my favourite colour combination. In one unified room or home, I like the combination of black steel and glass, White wall, Cream floor, wood colour for the door, and green colour from the plant.

Black is necessary colour. This colour represents strong and sturdy. I put this colour for My Stair’s hand Railing, My window’s frame, Glass colour. This colour makes contrast between bright and striking nuance.

Black colour represents strong and sturdy.

I choose white colour for the wall. White colour gives the room feels spacious. If I put white colour, I feel the room cleaner. If you have little space, white colour will make the room feel wider. The other benefit is easy to repaint.

For the Floor, I choose cream colour. Cream colour will make gradation between Wall and Floor Colour. For me, Floor colour should be different with Wall, but not as strong as steel colour. Cream colours suitable for me.

White for wall and ceiling, Cream for Floor.

I choose natural colour for wood door. Natural colours make me feel calm and quiet. If you have made stuff that made by woods, I suggest you put natural wood colour on it. You only need to coat that stuff with clear coating that give transparent result.

Natural wood colour for my Wood Door.

And Another colour that make my design complete is green colour. This colour come from plant, Leaf, or indoor plant. This colour makes our home feel alive, green and peace. You can put indoor plants in your home. I like this combination.

Green element from plant, leaf or indoor plant.

That all my ideas about colour combination. Maybe everyone has different teste, but this combination is the best for me. Thanks.

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