
Start Small, Break larger tasks into small steps, set achievable goals

Matrix Eisenhower untuk memprioritaskan Daftar Pekerjaan

Ketika Iseng bertanya ke Chat GPT Ai, kurang lebih pertanyaan gini: how to boost productivity ? si chat GPT AI nya ngasih jawaban :

To Increase productivity: set specific goals, prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, take regular breaks & optimize your workspace for efficiency. Consider using productivity techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or the 2-min rule to make quick decisions & take immediate action on small tasks.

Salah satu yang membuat saya penasaran adalah Matrix Eisenhower, barang apa sih, maka saya coba browsing apa itu matrik Eisenhower. Nah ketemulah seperti dibawah ini :

Bentuk dari Matrix Eisenhower

Kalau melihat isi matriknya kelihatannya sudah nggak asing lagi. Matrix tersebut membuat empat kuadran berdasar nilai dari Mendesak sampai tidak mendesak dan dari Penting sampai tidak penting. Seperti yang pernah saya bahas ditulisan ini.

Keempat kuadran tadi antara lain :

1. Penting dan Mendesak maka tindakannya adalah Segera Kerjakan

2. Penting tapi tidak mendesak maka tindakannya adalah Buat jadwal pengerjaan

3. Mendesak tapi tidak penting maka tindakannya adalah siapa yang bisa mewakili

4. Tidak penting dan tidak mendesak maka tindakannya nggak usah dikerjakan atau didelete saja

Jadi dengan mengklasifikasi hal / daftar kerja berdasarkan empat kondisi diatas akan membantu efisiensi waktu yang digunakan… buat saya praktekin juga sih, semoga bermanfaat.

3 thoughts on “Matrix Eisenhower untuk memprioritaskan Daftar Pekerjaan

  1. Fighting procrastination involves understanding its root causes and implementing strategies to address them. Here are some effective ways to combat procrastination:

    1. **Set Clear Goals**: Define what you need to achieve with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

    2. **Break Tasks into Smaller Steps**: Large tasks can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable parts.

    3. **Create a Schedule**: Use a planner or digital calendar to allocate specific times for each task.

    4. **Eliminate Distractions**: Identify what commonly distracts you and find ways to minimize these distractions. This could include turning off notifications or creating a dedicated workspace.

    5. **Use Time Management Techniques**: Methods like the Pomodoro Technique (working for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break) can help maintain focus.

    6. **Set Priorities**: Determine which tasks are most important and tackle them first.

    7. **Reward Yourself**: Give yourself small rewards for completing tasks to stay motivated.

    8. **Stay Accountable**: Share your goals with a friend or colleague who can help keep you accountable.

    9. **Practice Self-Compassion**: Don’t be too hard on yourself when you procrastinate. Reflect on what caused the delay and how you can improve next time.

    10. **Reflect and Adjust**: Regularly review your progress and adjust your strategies as needed.

    Combining these strategies can help create a productive routine and reduce procrastination.

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